AXCL Tuk-Tuk engine oil is a Premium Quality engine oil developed for 4-stroke autos and 3-wheelers running on CNG/LPG. The product is made from highly paraffinic base stocks and fortified with select additives to deliver satisfactory performance benefits in Autos and 3- wheelers running on CNG/LPG.
AXCL tuk tuk engine oil is available in 20W 50 viscometrics. It’s superior additive chemistry ensures protection against oxidation and nitration caused due to high temperature combustion of CNG/LPG Fuels in Engine. Right dosage of anti-wear and balanced detergency helps to protect the engine from wear and deposits, resulting in trouble free operation for longer service intervals.
Performance Level
Benefits and Advantages
- Improved fuel economy & power output.
- Reduced emissions & Enhances life of crankcase.
- Extended drain capability & Superior lubrication-increased engine life
- Single oil for fleet owners with CNG, dual-fuel, and gasoline vehicles.